Hammer crusher type OKM-6

Hammer crusher is designed for crushing, among others, of glass, sinters, burnt shales, brick scraps, coal and other materials with a similar structure and hardness

Question about a product

Hammer crusher type OKM-6

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    Intended use:
    Hammer crusher is designed for crushing, among others, of glass, sinters, burnt shales, brick scraps, coal and other materials with a similar structure and hardness.

    Technical description:
    Structure welded from steel sheet metal. The housing on the shaft includes two mounted plates to which clamp hammers are mounted. The bottom part of the crusher is covered with grids, the opening between them allows for descent of the crushed material. Hammers, grid and linings are made of wear material. Hammers are mounted on plates in a self-aligning manner.

    For the best selection of the equipment please contact our technical office, tel.: +48 77/470 04 97.